Our Community
Christ Church Christiana Hundred is a vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming Episcopal faith community, engaged in God's work to bring all people into a loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Clergy & Lay Ministry Staff
The Rev. Ruth Beresford
The Rev. Michael Kurth
Associate Rector/Preschool Chaplain
The Rev. David Beresford
Interim Associate Rector
The Very Rev. William Lane
Pastoral Associate
Jo Harney
Director of Choristers
Cameron Kuzepski
Organ Scholar
Our Administrative & Facilities Staff
Sherry Lawton-Fasic
Parish Administrator
Terri Carpe
Finance Manager
Jennifer Fordham
School Administrator
Deb Piper
Philanthropy &
Stewardship Associate
Jane Rubini
Administrative Associate
Nigel Sanderson
Livestream Technician
Deborah Webb
Communications Associate &
Graphic Designer
Chuck Arensberg
Ran Barton
Senior Warden
Audrey Bruce
Cindi Cozza
Barbara King
Ted Ledden
Alexander Maynard
Youth Representative
Thorpe Moeckel
Scott Nickle
Jennifer O'Connor
Mark Parsells
Eliza Phillips
Jamie Poston
Bob Reardon
Assistant Treasurer
Bart Reese
Jaqueline Whalen
Alexia Wolf
Junior Warden