Intercessory Prayer

We often consider prayer as a way to communicate our needs to God. As Jesus taught his disciples to pray, Christ Church's Intercessory Prayer Group has met each Tuesday morning, without interruption, since 1952 to offer prayers for those in need. All are welcome to join in this short service in the Chapel each week at 9:20 AM.

Prayer Requests

Add your prayer request to our intercessory prayer list.



The Christ Church Labyrinth has become a regular part of the life of the church. Individual parishioners and visitors from the community are a common sight as they walk thoughtfully around the labyrinth at all times of day. The act of prayerfully moving along the winding path to the center and then out again can help add new focus and depth to one’s spiritual discipline. We invite you to join those who have discovered how this stone treasure can deepen and illuminate one's prayer life.