We welcome your participation during worship. Click here to indicate your interest in serving.
View schedules and instructions for people serving in worship.
The Acolyte ministry is a wonderful way to serve as a leader in the parish, to develop new friendships, and to learn about the holiness of worship. Those in 8th grade and above are invited to serve as acolytes.
Our Adornment Team decorates our worship spaces for special holidays/seasons. Team members plan designs throughout the year and then decorate and adorn the Church and Chapel.
Altar Guild
Liturgy begins and ends with the work of the Altar Guild. To care for the sacred vessels, the bread, wine, and candles, the linens, frontals, and hangings used for worship in the Church and Chapel is far more than a task—it is a true ministry.
Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers are licensed through the Episcopal Church in Delaware to serve the chalice during Eucharist and read the lessons or prayers of the people. Lectors read the lessons appointed for the day.
Greeters offer the ministry of hospitality and welcome. It means so much to the stranger who first approaches the doors of our church to know that we welcome new members to join us in the worship of God and service of Christ in this church and in the world.
Needlepoint Kneelers & Vestments Preservation
A group of needlework and sewing enthusiasts inspects, gently cleans, and repairs the needlepoint kneelers and clergy vestments on a regular basis.
Individuals and families usher at our services each week and on special occasions. Ushers greet parishioners, hand out bulletins, assist anyone who needs help, and collect and count the offering.
Wedding Ministry
Members of the Altar Guild make up our Wedding Ministry and assist with each wedding at Christ Church, supporting the clergy and offering guidance to the couples being married.