The ARK and SANCTUARY at 9:00 AM

We offer two services at 9 AM on Sunday mornings, created to inspire and serve children and youth, with everyone else included. Both services celebrate Holy Communion, and we’ve given each 9 AM service a name to remind us of safe spaces to be gathered in God’s presence.

  • “The ARK” in the Chapel—a 30-minute service for young children and their families to worship together
  • “SANCTUARY” in the Church—a 40-minute service for older children, youth, and their families

We invite you to try them both, along with our 8 and 10:30 AM services on Sundays and 5 PM service on Saturdays, and discover the one that is best for your family.

Infants & Toddlers

Room 210 in the Education Wing of the Parish Center – 9:30 AM to 12 PM
We provide a loving, safe environment for children in our Nursery as we care for our youngest members. Please provide a labeled bag with diapers, wipes, and a sippy cup if your child is not old enough to drink from a regular cup. We provide goldfish crackers and apple juice as a snack.

Pre-K and Kindergarten
Grades 1, 2, & 3

Rooms 211/212 in the Education Wing of the Parish Center – 9:45 to 10:30 AM
Children gather with their teachers in classrooms for Godly Play where they encounter the Word of God and the rituals of the church in a Montessori-based, multisensory, hands-on approach. They are introduced to the religious language by hearing the stories of God, wondering and responding to the stories, praying together, and being surrounded in a child-friendly worship setting. All students must be signed in and out by a parent or guardian. Goldfish and apple juice are provided as a snack. For more about Godly Play, click here.

Grades 4 & 5

Room 213 in the Education Wing of the Parish Center – 9:45 to 10:30 AM
Students join their teachers in their classroom to explore Bible stories in new and exciting ways. They connect these stories they've heard all their lives to the lives they're living now. Students are encouraged to ask big questions and grow together as a unit. 

Mission & Values

At Christ Church, we strive to establish a strong faith foundation for children and youth by welcoming them into a joyful, inclusive community rooted in Christ.


Chorister Program

Based on the Royal School of Church Music training scheme and standards and emphasizing musicianship, singing technique, and liturgical knowledge, Christ Church's Chorister Program is for children and youth, ages 6-16.


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